
Tired of dealing with the hassles and complexities that come along with managing your expense program? Lyndon Group is here to help! Providing comprehensive short and long-term services, we become a trusted extension of your administrative and managerial team focused on ongoing support, system maintenance, analytics, and back-end operations. Let us design the perfect model that fits your individual requirements!

Outsourced Staffing

Lyndon Group provides the perfect solution to shift your expense management capacity into overdrive! With our experienced professionals taking on any/all client-side responsibilities, you'll never have to worry about retraining new hires again - just sit back and enjoy a permanent solution that's as efficient as it is stress free.

On-going Advisory Services

Discover the essential elements for an effective expense management program from our team of experts. These services are tailored to your individual business’ needs and can include guidance on expense management best practices, credit card strategies, handling change management, comprehensive employee training programs and more!

Advanced Configuration changes

  • Add, modify, or manage Validation Tables

  • Create New Policy Configurations

  • Adjust existing Policy settings 

  • Add, modify, or manage Workflows

  • Add, modify, or manage Expense, Invoice, Vendor & Employee Groups

  • Add, modify, or manage Expense Types

End-User Support

Let our team of professionals facilitate the day-to-day support of your end-users. Tired of answering questions such as:

  • Why didn’t I get paid?

  • How do I allocate/itemize this expense? 

  • What is the policy on hotels again? 

  • How do I update my bank account information? 

Auditing & Processing of Expense Reports and/or Invoices

  • We offer comprehensive audits of pre and post-payment expense reports and/or invoices, leveraging your company's policies and thresholds for maximum compliance assurance.

  • Our team can support cutting-edge auditing technology such as AppZen’s Expense Audit solution, Concur Verify, or Detect by Oversight. 

Reporting/Cognos Consulting

Crafting a custom reporting strategy for your business is key to informed decision-making. Our experts can create and design new reports, as well as update or modify existing ones so that you stay ahead of the curve. Our team also provides training on how best to leverage your expense management reporting tools - giving you all the information needed in order make data-driven decisions with clear insights!

“Our LG team has been awesome – so knowledgeable, helpful and responsive! We are very happy.  Thanks for everything you do!”

– Assistant Controller, Biopharmaceutical Company

Contact us today to discuss how we can support your program.